Sunday, July 6, 2008

Getting in Shape!!!

I am setting out on a quest that millions of people set out on each year. To get back into shape. Before serving a church service mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I was in incredible shape. I spent most of my days counting calories and exercising. After about four months, I felt like I was fitness model material. I even toyed with the idea of getting into the fitness modeling industry.

During my mission, I was extremely poor. I was given $155 a month to pay for all of my food, laundry expenses, and other supplies. The members of our church are supposed to help keep the costs down for our missionaries by feeding them dinner at night, but being called to a spanish speaking mission in Nebraska, I was put into many small towns with few members. I found myself eating frozen foods at almost every meal to be able to feed myself and stay under my budget. Needless to say, The weight just came. I had free weights that I carried around from area to area, but with my poor diet it was inevitable that I gain weight.

Two years have come and gone since I returned from my church service, and I still haven't shed the extra weight. To help myself and hopefully many other people out there, I am going to keep a record of my meals, workouts, and progress.